Tag Archives: burger

Burger King Japan’s Whopper Challenge

8 Jun

If you’re in Tokyo and you really … really … love Burger King Whoppers, you can enter their Whopper Challenge.


The contest, for those who are chosen to participate, will be held on Thursday, 2014 June 19th at 2PM in the Roppongi branch of Burger King.

Contestants will be given 30 minutes to eat seven Whoppers.

The prize for those who are successful will be free Whopper burgers for a month!

Like I said, it’s for those who really love Whoppers!

Wendy’s back in Tokyo

26 Dec

I wrote before that Wendy’s, the American fast-food hamburger chain, closed all of their stores in Japan two years ago.

And then, as I wrote in another post, they announced last March that they would be re-opening their stores in Japan beginning in autumn (2011).

But, about a week after that announcement, the 2011 March 11 earthquake struck northern Japan and caused Wendy’s Japan to delay their re-opening.

Well, Wendy’s first store in Japan since they closed all of their stores here almost exactly two years ago will open tomorrow (2011 December 27th).
It is located in 表参道 (the Omotesando area of Tokyo) on the famous 「表参道通り」 (“Omotesando-doori“) road.

Their menu will include “regular” Wendy’s items…but it will also have some “only-in-Japan” things such as a “「フォアグラ・ロッシーニ」 (Foie Gras Rossini Burger)” and an “「アップル&ナッツ・チキン・サラダ」 (Apple & Nut Chicken Salad)“.

Personally, French food isn’t one of my favorites. I don’t think I’ll be trying the “Foie Gras Rossini Burger”…but I do like Wendy’s chili!

Idaho to the east, Miami to the west

28 Mar

The four special burgers for the Big America 2 campaign at McDonalds in Japan have all had their turn on the menu.

And now McDonalds Japan is bringing back the “Miami Burger” and the “Idaho Burger“.

Back on the menu for one week only...2011 March 25th - 31st.

I think the two best burgers of the “Big America 2” campaign were the “Texas2 Burger” and the “Miami Burger“…but, unfortunately for me, McDonalds isn’t bringing back the “Miami Burger” and the “Idaho Burger” to their stores across the whole country.
The “Idaho Burger” will be in their stores in 東日本 (east Japan), except for the 東北地方 (“Tohoku Region”) which is the area that was hit by the recent disaster, and the “Miami Burger” will be in McDonalds in 西日本 (western Japan).

Tokyo, which is where I live, is in eastern Japan…so the “Idaho Burger” is available here until 31 March. I prefer the “Miami Burger” though.

I won’t be buying an “Idaho Burger“, but I do plan to try the other new burger that is currently on the menu at McDonalds Japan…the 「チリチキン」 (“Chili Chicken”) sandwich.

The "Chili Chicken" sandwich is available at McDonalds all over Japan.

I love chili and I love chicken…so I think I’ll like this sandwich!

Pizza Burger

19 Dec

I wrote a post about how, for many people in Japan, “Christmas dinner” = Kentucky Fried Chicken.

It’s been that way for years.

And I also wrote another post about how McDonalds in Japan is offering a special chicken meal set for Christmas this year in attempt to take some of the lucrative X-mas chicken-dinner market from Kentucky Fried Chicken of Japan.

Well, it seems that Burger King Japan has decided to jump on the bandwagon.

But rather than try to compete directly with Kentucky Fried Chicken (which would probably be a futile attempt since if Japanese people don’t prepare their own X-mas dinner they almost inevitably have chicken from KFC), Burger King Japan is offering a “NY Pizza Burger Set” as their holiday set.

The huge Pizza Burger (which meant to shared by six or so people) can be ordered 単品 (singularly, without the “set”) for ¥1,680. Or a single burger “slice” can be bought for ¥320.

But the entire “Holiday Set” can be purchased until 2010 December 30th for ¥2,980.

This set comes with one Pizza Burger (serves six), a salad, an order of “BK Chicken Tenders”, an order of “BK Cheese Bits”, and an order of onion rings.

Teriyaki at Burger King

18 Sep

As I mentioned in this post, McDonalds Japan (and a few other fast-food chains in Japan) offers a “Teriyaki Burger” as a regular menu item.

Well now Burger King in Japan is offering a 「グリルてりやき」 (“Grilled Teriyaki“) for a limited time only.
It costs ¥390 (or ¥290 for the “junior” version).

Do you like Teriyaki? Would you try this burger?

McDonald’s cell-phone straps

5 Sep

In America, key chains are popular (at least they were when I lived there. Are they still popular there?).

Key chains aren’t popular at all in Japan. Here, 携帯電話ストラプ (cell-phone straps) are very popular.

I wrote a post about “Samurai cell-phone straps” and another post about “Snoopy cell-phone straps”.

I had meant to write about the cell-phone straps that McDonalds in Japan began offering last July but I didn’t get around to it until now.

Unfortunately, if you want one of these straps it’s too late now. The campaign has recently ended.
I thought the straps were a good idea and they were fairly popular. They looked just like McDonalds burgers, fries, coffee and apple pie…but they’re too big, in my opinion.
I wouldn’t put one on my phone. I have a strap on my phone but it’s nothing like these.

To get one of these “McDonalds Food Straps“, you had to order a large size value meal set and a strap would be included with the set…during the campaign period.

Would you put one of these on your cell-phone? Do you already have one? Which one do you like best? Does McDonalds offer things like this in your country?


9 Apr

A regular menu item at McDonalds in Japan is the 「てりやきマックバーガー」 (“Teriyaki McBurger“).

「てりやきマックバーガー」 ("Teriyaki McBurger")

(Click here to see my post about other unique items on the menu only at McDonalds in Japan.)

But from April 5th, マクドナルド (McDonalds Japan) has a new teriyaki burger for a limited time…the 「てりたま」 (“Teritama“).

It’s got it’s name because “Teri” is short for “Teriyaki“…and “Tama” is short for “Tamago” (Japanese for “egg”).

It’s a teriyaki burger with egg.

The ad says that it has 「モチモチバンズ」 (“Chewy bun“), which is a texture of food that Japanese like.

It also says that it’s 「マクドナルドの日本の味」 (“McDonald’s Japanese taste“).

Also, according to the ad, at the end of this month the special burger will change to 「ゴマえびフィレオ」 (“Sesame Shrimp Filet“)…
and then in mid-May, they’ll offer the 「チキンタツタ」 (“Ginger-Grilled Chicken“).

Have you ever tried one of the unique menu items at McDonalds in Japan?
What special items do they offer where you live?

Fastfood Summer Campaigns

26 Jul

Today was a beautiful clear day, and the sounds of (cicadas) could be heard…but it was also very hot and humid!

Definitely summer in Japan.

Alot of people like to eat spicy food in the summer. Supposedly it helps cool you off.
Whether or not that’s true, I’m not sure…but I like spicy food (especially with beer! 🙂 ).

Many fast-food chains in Japan are offering special items on the menu for the summer only. Alot of those items are spicy.

I already mentioned Lotteria‘s new burger (and special money-back guarantee) in an earlier post (Click here to see it.)

McDonalds Japan is offering a 「ヨーグルト味 McShake」 (“Yogurt flavor McShake“) for only ¥100.

「ヨーグルト味 (Yogurt Flavored) McShake」

「ヨーグルト味 (Yogurt Flavored) McShake」

McDonalds Japan also has Spicy Juicy Chicken sandwiches. They offer two flavors 「ブラック・ペッパー」 (Black Pepper) and 「赤とうがらし」 (Red Chili).

Spicy Juicy Chicken (Black Pepper or Red Chili)

Spicy Juicy Chicken (Black Pepper or Red Chili)

MOS Burger has a campaign that says: 「夏はチキンとスパイスだ!!」 (“Summer is chicken and spice!!”).
They’re offering two spicy chicken sandwiches this summer too. 「ホットチキンバーガー」 (“Hot Chicken Burger“) with salsa, and 「カレーチキンバーガー」 (“Curry Chicken Burger“).

MOS Burger's "Hot Chicken Burger" & "Chili Chicken Burger"

MOS Burger's "Hot Chicken Burger" & "Chili Chicken Burger"

Wendy’s Japan is also offering two chicken sandwiches this summer. One is 「和風」 (“Japanese style”) and the other is 「洋風」 (“Western style”). Their campaign poster says: 「ふたつの夏チキン、PLEASE!」 (“Two (types of) summer chicken, please!).
The “Japanese” sandwich is 「おろしチキンサンド」 (“Grated Radish Chicken Sandwich“) and the “Western” one is 「サルサチキンサンド」 (“Salsa Chicken Sandwich“).

"Japanese" or "Western" style chicken sandwiches. Which would you choose?

"Japanese" or "Western" style chicken sandwiches. Which would you choose?

Burger King has introduced the Angry Whopper to Japan in time for the summer. I heard that Burger King in the U.S. already had this burger…but the Japanese one is a bit different—customized to Japanese tastes. For example, the U.S. version has bacon and the Japanese version doesn’t…and U.S. one and the Japanese one have different sauces from each other.

This burger has ハラペーニョ (jalapeno peppers) and you can choose how many jalapeno peppers you want on the burger…from level one which has four peppers up to level five with twenty peppers!

Burger King Japan's "Angry Whopper"

Burger King Japan's "Angry Whopper"

Burger King America's "Angry Whopper"

Burger King America's "Angry Whopper"