News in Japanese

24 Aug

I get most of the news from Japanese TV news programs and Japanese online news.

It’s more accurate and up-to-the-minute for domestic (Japan) news than the English-language media in Japan…and they help improve my Japanese language ability (both written and spoken).

Do you ever watch the Japanese news on TV or read it online or in a Japanese 新聞 (newspaper)?

Here’s a story about a big fire that broke out last night in Tokyo. Have you heard about it? Can you read this:


(I got this article online at at this site.)

Here it is again with ふりがな (hold your mouse over the kanji to see the readings):

民家火災2人死亡品川 8棟全半焼

<span title="(炎)ほのお">炎</span>を<span title="(上)あ">上</span>げて<span title="(燃)も">燃</span>える<span title="(東京都品川区西大井)とうきょうと・しながわく・にしおおい">東京都品川区西大井</span>の<span title="(火災現場)かさいげんば">火災現場</span>=<span title="(23日)にじゅう・さん・にち">23日</span><span title="(午前3時3分)ごぜん・さんじ・さんぷん">午前3時3分</span>ごろ(<span title="(提供写真)ていきょう・しゃしん">提供写真</span>)








This is my English translation:

Fire in Shinagawa burns 8 homes and kills 2 people

<span title="(炎)ほのお">炎</span>を<span title="(上)あ">上</span>げて<span title="(燃)も">燃</span>える<span title="(東京都品川区西大井)とうきょうと・しながわく・にしおおい">東京都品川区西大井</span>の<span title="(火災現場)かさいげんば">火災現場</span>=<span title="(23日)にじゅう・さん・にち">23日</span><span title="(午前3時3分)ごぜん・さんじ・さんぷん">午前3時3分</span>ごろ(<span title="(提供写真)ていきょう・しゃしん">提供写真</span>)

Taken at the scene of the blaze in Nishi-Oi, Shinagawa, Tokyo on (Aug) 23rd at about 3:03AM (freelance photo)

On (August) 23rd at about 2:40AM, in Nishi-Oi, Shinagawa, Tokyo, a fire broke out in the home of Jyo Katayama (age 75). The fire spread to the neighboring homes and destroyed a total of eight homes.
The corpses of a man and woman were found in the house and the Ooi Police Department confirmed that they are the bodies of Mr. Katayama and his 90 year old mother Eiko.

According to the same police station, Mr. Katayama’s wooden 2-story house completely burned down.
Mr. Katayama’s son, Akio (42 year-old office worker), who was on the second-floor watching TV when the fire broke out escaped unharmed.
The three members of the Katayama family lived together and the two bodies were found on the first floor.

A female neighbor burned her leg.

The neighbor who lives across from the Katayama family, Yuriko Fukazawa (age 30, self-employed), said “I heard shouting and when I looked outside I saw the house was bright red. Their son was yelling ‘There are two people inside!’.”

The scene was on a residential street about 500 meters south-west of JR Nishi-Ooi Station.

Sunday, 2009 August 23

11 Responses to “News in Japanese”

  1. bk201 August 26, 2009 at 11:36 am #

    Here’s a link to the Rikaichan Addon for Mozilla Firefox.
    Saves the trouble of copy pasting into a dictionary. Like all dictionaries, it won’t give the best translation but as long I understand the main ideas, it’ll do.


    • tokyo5 August 26, 2009 at 11:03 pm #

      But, as for me, I don’t like online translators.
      They don’t give proper translations.

      I use a book dictionary (with paper pages).


  2. The Ruling Numerator August 26, 2009 at 6:45 am #

    Is there a source online where I can read authentic Japanese news in english?

    I’ll be adding your blog to my blogroll. I’m sure you don’t mind? 😐


    • tokyo5 August 26, 2009 at 11:00 pm #

      >Is there a source online where I can read authentic Japanese news in english?

      I look at the 「毎日新聞」(Mainichi Newspaper) online, in Japanese:

      It has an English version. Not exactly the same…but similar:

      >I’ll be adding your blog to my blogroll.

      Thank you.


  3. tokyo5 August 24, 2009 at 11:55 pm #

    I wrote my English translation of the Japanese news article to the end of this post above.


  4. bk201 August 24, 2009 at 2:45 pm #

    I’ll try a translation.
    On the 23rd, at around 2:40am, in Tokyo’s Shinagawa Ooi, outbreak of fire from Katayama’s house spread to 8 nearby buildings, . The police confirmed that the bodies found from the house are those of Katayama and the mother Eiko.

    According to the police, the two storey house made of wood completely burned down. Katayama’s son, was watching TV,noticed the fire and escaped. He is fine. The three Katayama’s were living in the house together, 2 bodies were found on the first floor.

    Ladies in the neighbourhood had burns to their legs.

    Yuriko, a self business owner working opposite the Katayama household said ‘I heard a loud voice, and from the outside, the house became full red. The son was calling,that there were two people side.”

    The fire is in a residential area 500metres South West of the JR Wet Ooi

    Missing out a few pieces but I got most of it I think.

    Sad news none the less.


    • tokyo5 August 24, 2009 at 11:54 pm #

      OK. You can read Japanese very well, can’t you?

      >from Katayama’s house spread to 8 nearby buildings

      I believe it says the fire burned a total of eight houses…including the Katayama family home.

      I just added my English translation to this post.


      • bk201 August 25, 2009 at 6:15 pm #

        I use the Rikai Chan tool for anywords I don’t know. Normally I guess what it means before I check with the tool. I’m slowly getting better, always encountering new words and kanji. I’ll have alot of time to learn when school ends.


      • tokyo5 August 25, 2009 at 6:25 pm #

        >I use the Rikai Chan

        What’s that? An online translator? Those don’t work well in my opinion.
        If I need to check a Japanese word, I use an “old-fashioned” dictionary (book with paper page…not machine)…it’s more accurate, I feel.

        >I’m slowly getting better

        It takes time. I still have to study Japanese…this article in this post is about my reading level now.


  5. soysaucequeen August 24, 2009 at 3:21 am #

    I am reading Japanese news everyday on the internet, so I can know what is going on in Japan.

    On that news, it sounds so sad 2 people are dead.
    I know many people die with fire because…Japanese houses are made entirely out of wood. It seems very easy to be burnt compare to European houses.


    • tokyo5 August 24, 2009 at 11:52 pm #

      That’s one of the great things about the internet.
      You can still keep up with Japan.

      And yes, houses in Japan burn easily in a fire.
      Especially in a big city like Tokyo, where the houses are so close together!

      Everyone must be careful!


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