Tag Archives: restuarant

Japanese McDonalds

4 Apr

マックドナルド (McDonald’s) fast-food restaurants has stores around the world.
No matter which store you go into, the menu is basically the same. Some items, though, are customized for individual countries.
For example, I’ve heard that McDonald’s in India doesn’t serve beef burgers (pork or chicken instead), in Germany they serve beer 🙂  (some fast-food restaurants in Japan, such as Freshness Burger and First Kitchen serve beer…but not マックドナルド (McDonald’s Japan)), and in the Philippines they have spaghetti on the menu.


マックドナルド (McDonald’s) in Japan has many unique items on the menu, too.
Some are “limited time only“…such as the Lettuce Pepper Burger that was on the menu a few years ago. I really like that burger…but unfortunately, they don’t serve it currently.

New items on the menu at マックドナルド (McDonald’s Japan) include:

The 「マックホットドッグ」 (McHotDog) and 「マックホットドッグ・メガソーセージ」 (Mega Sausage McHotDog), which are breakfast items and only available until 10:30AM.

「マックホットドッグ」 (McHotDog) and 「マックホットドッグ・メガソーセージ」 (Mega Sausage McHotDog)

「マックホットドッグ」 (McHotDog) and 「マックホットドッグ・メガソーセージ」 (Mega Sausage McHotDog)

The 「チーズカツバーガー」 (Cheese Cutlet Burger), which is a cheese-filled pork cutlet sandwich.

「チーズカツバーガー」 (Cheese Cutlet Burger)

「チーズカツバーガー」 (Cheese Cutlet Burger)

マックドナルド (McDonald’s Japan) has the regular “Cookies & Chocolate McFlurry” and “Oreo McFlurry” ice cream dessert.
But they also have the 「マックフルーリー抹茶&オレオクッキー」 (“Green Tea & Oreo Cookies McFlurry“).

「マックフルーリー抹茶&オレオクッキー」 (Green Tea & Oreo McFlurry)

「マックフルーリー抹茶&オレオクッキー」 (Green Tea & Oreo McFlurry)

The 「えびフィレオ」 (Shrimp Filet-o Burger):

「えびフィレオ」 (Shrimp Filet-o Burger)

「えびフィレオ」 (Shrimp Filet-o Burger)

「シャカシャカチキン」 (Shaka Shaka Chicken) is a chicken filet in a bag that you add spice powder (chili or black pepper) and shake the bag to mix the spice (“Shaka Shaka” is a Japanese onomatopoeia for shaking):


Besides cola, milk, coffee and orange juice, etc マックドナルド (McDonald’s Japan) sells 爽健美茶 (Blended Tea):

「爽健美茶」 (Blended Tea)

「爽健美茶」 (Blended Tea)

マックドナルド (McDonald’s Japan) also has a ¥100 and ¥120 (about US $0.99 and US $1.19) menus which includes hamburger for ¥100, cheeseburger for ¥120, ice cream cone for ¥100, Shaka Shaka Chicken for ¥100, milk shakes for ¥100…and the 「マックポーク」 (McPork sandwich) for ¥100:

「マックポーク」 (McPork) ¥100 (US$0.99)

「マックポーク」 (McPork) ¥100 (US$0.99)

And All-You-Can-Drink coffee is also only ¥120


If you visit a マックドナルド (McDonald’s) in Japan, you’ll be sure to notice people looking at their cell-phones while they’re waiting in line and when they get to the cashier, they might show their cell-phone to the person behind the counter. This is because マックドナルド (McDonald’s) in Japan offers weekly cell-phone coupons.

Have you ever tried any of these items at a マックドナルド (McDonald’s) in Japan? Does McDonald’s offer unusual menu items where you live?

BTW, I wrote a post last November when マックドナルド (McDonald’s Japan) introduced the Quarter Pounder Burger.
Click here to see it.