Bic Camera x Uniqlo

13 Sep

If you’ve ever been to Japan…especially a major Japanese city such as Tokyo…then you undoubtedly are aware of the major chain of electronics stores here called 「ビックカメラ」 (“Bic Camera“) and also the major chain of affordable clothing stores called 「ユニクロ」 (“Uni-qlo“).
(Actually, I’ve heard that 「ユニクロ」 (“Uni-qlo”) has expanded overseas and has stores in America and other countries now…so maybe you know that store even if you’ve never been to Japan.)

Bic Camera logo

Uni-qlo logo

I like 「ユニクロ」 (“Uni-qlo”). In fact, I happen to be wearing a shirt today that I’ve bought from one of their stores. But for electronics, I normally go to the biggest competitor of 「ビックカメラ」 (“Bic Camera”)—「ヨドバシカメラ」 (“Yodobashi Camera“).
I choose 「ヨドバシカメラ」 (“Yodobashi Camera”) because I have a “point card” from that store. If you live in Japan and you don’t make use of the point cards that many stores in Japan offer, then you’re missing an opportunity to get free stuff! I have many point cards and I’ve gotten things I needed from many stores, including 「ヨドバシカメラ」 (“Yodobashi Camera”) at no cost!

Anyways, I saw a commercial on TV this morning for a new store in 新宿(Shinjuku, Tokyo) that is a collaboration between 「ビックカメラ」 (“Bic Camera“) and 「ユニクロ」 (“Uni-qlo“).

This new store will sell both clothing from Uniclo’s stock and electronics from Bic Camera.
The name of the store isビックロ」 (“Bikkuro“)…which is a morphing in Japanese of both company names.

4 Responses to “Bic Camera x Uniqlo”

  1. Tom Arrison September 25, 2012 at 4:08 am #

    Always liked the Yodobashi Camera song:


    • tokyo5 September 25, 2012 at 6:24 am #

      Maybe it’s because I have lived in Japan for a while now … but I hardly notice the background music in stores anymore.


  2. Mom September 14, 2012 at 12:33 am #

    I like the idea of the point cards to get free stuff! our bank here offers ways to earn points to save money. it works if you shop at certain stores (which are stores that are commonly used) you can get cash back from the bank. I haven’t signed up for it yet but I will. how is the economy there? people are spending less here because of inflation and flat wages.


    • tokyo5 September 14, 2012 at 12:39 am #

      If America has something similar to a point card system, you should use it.

      Japan’s economy is down … but not too bad, I don’t think.


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