Vodka and cola

28 Jun

I mentioned my preference for beer over cola on an earlier post (Click here to read it).

But on 七月八日 ((2009) July 8), Kirin (the Japanese beverage company most famous for their line of beers) will begin selling 「コーラショック」 (“Cola Shock”).

キリン「コーラショック」 (Kirin "Cola Shock")

キリン「コーラショック」 (Kirin "Cola Shock")

It’s a canned cola and vodka cocktail.

The ad says that it’s a 発泡酒 (Low-malt alcoholic beverage) that contains アルコール分5% (5% alcohol).

As I mentioned before, I don’t drink cola often…but this is one kind I’d like! 😉

One Response to “Vodka and cola”

  1. tokyo5 July 8, 2009 at 10:26 pm #

    As I mentioned in this post, this drink went on sale today (July 8)…so I bought a can.

    It was pretty good! I prefer beer…but I might buy another can of this again one day.

    One thing I noticed about the can’s design…it says:
    「アルコール5%」 (“Alcohol 5%“) ,
    「お酒(おさけ)」 (“O-saké” (“Alcohol”)),
    a warning that you must be at least 20 years old to drink alcohol (in Japanese),
    and “Alcohol” written in Japanese braille on top of the can.

    All as per Japanese law.

    But the only English is the name “Cola Shock“. Maybe a foreigner who can’t read Japanese will drink this thinking it’s cola, not expecting alcohol.

    They should write “alcohol 5%” in English on the can at least once, I think.


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