Three year anniversary of 3-11-11

11 Mar

Today is 2014 March 14th. It’s already been three years since the huge earthquake and tsunami tragedy that hit Sendai.

I wrote a post on that day (Click here to read it) about four hours after it happened. That earthquake did damage down here in Tokyo…but nothing like what the Tohoku area suffered.

I also wrote a post about a month after the earthquake (Click here to read it) about some of the things the earthquake survivors treasure.

Today, for the tragedy’s third anniversary, the Japan Times newspaper is showing some of the hardest hit areas and the survivors three years after (Click here to see it).

A mother and her daughter attend a candle-lighting event held Sunday to commemorate the third anniversary of the March 11 tsunami and earthquake in Natori, Miyagi Prefecture, one of the worst-hit areas. | (photo from: KYODO | caption: Japan Times)

4 Responses to “Three year anniversary of 3-11-11”

  1. celia knox March 12, 2014 at 11:26 am #

    It’s interesting to look back on your first post about 3/11. I remember seeing the death toll at 19 people and feeling so shocked… little did we know how big that number would actually get.


    • tokyo5 March 12, 2014 at 1:14 pm #

      >I remember seeing the death toll at 19 people and feeling so shocked

      Yes…if the death toll had not gone up from there, nineteen casualties would have still been a tragedy. But, as we know, the number became much, much higher.
      It was a terrible day.

      Unfortunately, there are people in the Tohoku area still suffering the effects of that day three years later!

      I read your post about the earthquake…you had just arrived in Japan, hadn’t you? What a terrible introduction to Japan!


      • celia knox March 12, 2014 at 4:30 pm #

        Yes, there are so many people who are still on the road to recovery. I think Japan as a country could be doing more to help them. I think for many Japanese people, yesterday went by as any other normal day. That in itself is a tragedy.


      • tokyo5 March 12, 2014 at 4:58 pm #

        I think most people at least had 3-11-11 on their mind at times yesterday.


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