Tag Archives: Starbucks Japan

Maccha at Starbucks Japan

3 Jul

Does Starbucks in your country have 抹茶 (Japanese Green Tea) drinks on their menu?


I suspect that it’s another only-in-Japan thing.

Starbucks Japan‘s newest item on their menu is 「チョコレート・ブラウニー抹茶クリーム・フラペチーノ」 (“Chocolate Brownie / Green Tea Cream Frappuccino“).


Do you like Starbucks? Would you order this drink?

スターバックス ヴィア

14 Apr

I like coffee a lot.
Every morning I drink a cup of coffee and every evening a can (or two) of beer.

But I don’t like Starbucks.

In my opinion, what Starbucks sells isn’t coffee but overpriced hot cocoa. It’s too sweet and too expensive.

But I understand that Starbucks is popular (although I don’t understand why that is), so maybe you’ll be interested to know that 「スターバックス」 (Starbucks) in Japan has just begun selling 「スターバックス ヴィア」 (“Starbucks Via“) coffee.

Starbucks Via” is their new brand of instant coffee.

Packages of "Starbucks Via" in the U.S. have "X" marks on them.

I guess Starbucks in America has already been offering this new instant coffee, but in Japan Starbucks began selling it today.

There are a couple differences between the “Starbucks Via” offered in the U.S. and how it’s sold here in Japan.

First, in Japan, the packages are smaller because Japanese usually consume food and drinks in smaller portions than the average American.

And secondly, the packages that the coffee are sold in are different in Japan too.
In America (and maybe other countries as well), they have large “X” marks to indicate the type of coffee, but in Japan that symbol isn’t usually used in that way.
Usually Japanese people would put an “O” (circle) there…but Starbucks Japan elected to use a check mark…still better than an “X”.

Packages of 「スターバックス ヴィア」 ("Starbucks Via") coffee in Japan have check marks on them.

I guess I’m not the only one who thinks Starbucks coffee is too expensive. Maybe they’re losing business and decided to sell cheaper coffee to try to compete with places like McDonalds.

In Japan, “Starbucks Via” in sold in sets of either three packets for ¥300 (¥100 / packet (about US$1.08 / packet)) or twelve packets for ¥1,000 (¥83 / packet (about US$0.89 / packet)).

Do you like Starbucks coffee? Have you tried “Starbucks Via“? How much is it in your country?

New drinks

23 Feb

Coca-Cola Japan is offering a couple new drinks now.

One is 「ファンタ もぉ~もぉ~ ホワイト」 (“Fanta Moo Moo White“)…which is a white soft-drink “with calcium”.
It went on sale all over Japan beginning yesterday.

The other new drink that Coca-Cola Japan is selling now is a ginger tea for women called 「ラブボディ」 (“Love Body“).

Also, Starbucks Coffee, Japan has recently begun their annual spring time “Sakura” campaign.
I wrote about it last year…(click here to read that post).

During Starbucks Japan‘s “Sakura” campaign, they sell pink “Sakura coffee”, pink “Sakura desserts” and pink coffee mugs with Sakura flower designs.
They also have gift cards with the Sakura design.

As I’ve mentioned on my blog before, I don’t have much of a sweet tooth….so none of these drinks appeal me (I like beer!).
How about you? Would you try these?