July 4

4 Jul

Today is America’s 独立記念日 (Independence Day).

Of course, Japan (or any other country) doesn’t observe other countries’ Independence Day holidays.

In America on this day, people commonly have BBQ dinners and watch 花火大会 (fireworks shows).

Do you live in America? Do you watch the fireworks? Do you have a BBQ? What do you cook? Hamburgers and hotdogs?

On many weekends in the summer, Japan has amazing 花火大会 (fireworks shows).
We always go to the 花火大会 (fireworks show) near our house, and my wife packs an excellent picnic dinner.
We have stuff like イカ (squid), chicken, おにぎり (rice balls), 枝豆 (soy beans), salad…and beer (cola for the kids).
It’s alot of fun and great food!

Anyways, besides America’s 独立記念日 (Independence Day), here are some other notable events that happened on the fourth day of July:

  • 1959 July 4: A 49th star was added to the U.S. flag in honor of Alaska becoming a state.
  • 1960 July 4: The 50th star was added to the U.S. flag in honor of Hawaii becoming a U.S. state.
  • 1826 July 4: Both Former U.S. President John Adams and former U.S. President Thomas Jefferson (second and third U.S. Presidents, respectively) died.
  • 1872 July 4: Former U.S. President Calvin Coolidge was born.
  • 1973 July 4: Japanese pop-singer Gackt was born.

6 Responses to “July 4”

  1. Mom July 4, 2009 at 3:47 pm #

    Happy 4th of July!! You are so knowledgeable about American history and so interesting too. You must take after your Mom! Dad and I are thinking of going to the Biltmore Estate for part of the wkend-hopefully the 4th to see the firewks and have the traditional southern BBQ and hear some good ole southern style music. Have you heard much about the Biltmore mansion? It was built by the VanDerBuilt family and the “backyard” has approx. 8000 acres!! It consists of a beautiful w/ plants and garden designs from all over the world, inc. a Japanese garden, Italian, Rose, many others and a beautiful “flower carpet” in which their garden experts weave together 140,000 different sorts of flowers to create a 14,4000 sq. ft. living carpet on the south terrace. There is also a bass pond and 3 bridges on and around the pond, which looks more like a sm. lake. There are 3 or 4 restaurants, horsebacking riding is available, along with guided or self-guided raft or kayak rides down the beautiful French Broad River. There are bicycles trails, you can either bring a bike and helmet or rent one, there is a fly fishing school, land rover school or ride along, or kid’s adventure course. also, a sporting clay school, which I never heard of before, have you? it’s apparently different techniques of shooting clay target w/ a Beretta shotgun! Dad is interesting in this among many other things. there are many other activities too, not to mention the mansion itself. also, one of our favorites-is the numerous summer outdoor evening concerts with all different types of music. Briefly, it has many numeruous rooms, which I have not checked into yet. I am sorry for going on and on about this, but I just bought myself a year’s pass, which entitles me to go onto the estate whenever it is open, which is most of the day, 7 days a week, inc. holidays. I want to buy Dad’s pass tomorrow if we can get into the estate, I just read that it is by reservation only and it is completely booked, so we have to wait until next wkend. Anyway, Dad and I are excited about visiting this place and taking as many of the activities as we can afford. we do get a discount on the things that are not free, but there are many things free with the pass-like the estate winery where you can take part in daily wine and chocolate tasting-yummy!! I hope that you all have a wonderful day too. The picnic sounds wonderful, I only wish we could join you. We do remember what terrific meals “A” can make-they were a huge part of one of the many many things we absolutely enjoyed on our visit, way back when. We definitely wish we could afford another trip but it doesn’t look likely anytime soon, unfortunately. maybe we should try buying into the lottery. it’s up to about 4.2 million last time I looked in NC-just a little pocket-change.
    We love you all and I am so sorry for not emailing sooner. I have still been suffering from bad back pain, I am taking physical therapy now so hopefully that will help again. Take care of each other and yourselves. pls give the beautiful gr’daughters kisses and hugs and lots of love from us. love Mom


    • tokyo5 July 4, 2009 at 8:52 pm #

      Sounds like a nice place.

      I hope you’re feeling better soon.

      I’ll send you an email today.


  2. Mb July 4, 2009 at 1:22 pm #

    Happy Fourth! (Almost, here.) We’ll be going to a party and then to a local park and nature preserve to eat turkey legs and sausage-on-a-stick from the concession stand while watching the fireworks.


    • tokyo5 July 4, 2009 at 8:48 pm #

      You should come see 花火 in Japan…better than I’ve ever seen in America.


  3. In10Words aka "Galileo" July 4, 2009 at 12:36 pm #

    If I remember right, both Thomas Jefferson and John Adams (2nd US President) died on that July 4th.


    • tokyo5 July 4, 2009 at 8:47 pm #

      I didn’t know that Adams died on that day too (same as Jefferson). But I just checked, it seems you’re right.
      I updated this post with that info.


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