Tag Archives: Jiroemon

World’s oldest person

20 Apr

Yesterday, 2013 April 19, was the 116th birthday of the world’s oldest living person … Jiroemon Kimura of Japan.


Mr. Kimura was born on 1897 April 19th.

(edited on 2013 June 12th:
Mr. Kimura died this morning.
RIP, Mr. Jiroemon Kimura, 1897 April 19th – 2013 June 12th, aged 116 years and 54 days.)

World’s Oldest Man

19 Apr

Meet 木村次郎右衛門 (Jiroemon Kimura).

114 years old today!

Today’s his birthday. His 114th birthday!
He was born on 1897 April 19th and now he’s the World’s Oldest Living Man (and the sixth oldest person in the world).

He has 14 grandchildren, 25 great-grandchildren and 11 great-great-grandchildren (his twelfth great-great-grandchild is due to be born soon).

With some of his great-great-grandchildren

When I become old, I hope I’m as 元気 (energetic, lively) as Mr. Kimura!