Tag Archives: Double Down

KFC Fillet Double…and soybeans

3 Feb

Starting yesterday (2012 February 2), Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurants across Japan have begun selling their new 「チキンフィレダブル」 (“Chicken Fillet Double“).

This unusual “sandwich” has no bread. In it’s place, there are two chicken fillets and between them is two pieces of bacon, two slices of cheese, and two dallops of mayonnaise.

You can get the 「チキンフィレダブル」 (“Chicken Fillet Double“) with a drink at Kentucky Fried Chicken in Japan for the price of ¥500 (US$6.57).

On a side note, today (February 3) is the Japanese holiday 「節分」 (“Setsubun”).
(Click here to read my short FAQ about it.)