Tokyo Sky Tree

12 Jun

東京タワー (Tokyo Tower), built in 1958, is 333 meters tall. Taller than the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France that it was modeled after.

At the time, it dominated the Tokyo skyline. And was used as a transmission tower for Tokyo’s radio and TV stations…as well as, a popular tourist attraction.

The tower’s fifty years old this year and it’s still used as a transmission tower today (and a tourist draw, as well)…but Tokyo now has many buildings that dwarf the Tokyo Tower…and obstruct the radio and TV waves.

So, the government decided to build a taller transmission / observation tower, to be completed by December 2011 and stand at nearly 634 meters tall (2080 feet).

It will be built at 隅田川 (Sumida River), near 浅草 (Asakusa). And it will be the world’s tallest tower.

This is what it’s expected to look like:

I think it’s an awesome sight. But I really like huge towers, skyscrapers and bridges!

The only thing I don’t like about it is it’s name…

Before a final name was decided upon, it was temporarily referred to as 新東京タワー (New Tokyo Tower). That was bad enough…but the official name for the new tower is: 東京スカイツリー (Tokyo Sky Tree)!

What an unfortunate name.


Did you know that Japan’s Sumo Wrestlers went to America?

For the first time in 27 years, the top-ranking Sumo Wrestlers held matches in the Los Angeles Sports Arena.

It was reported in the Japanese news that it was very popular with the American public.

Is 相撲 (Sumo) catching on in America?


On Saturday, a new subway line will start running in Tokyo.

The 副都心線 (Fukutoshin Line) will connect Ikebukuro to Shibuya and eventually expand to go from Saitama to Yokohama.

The name of the line translates to something like “Nearly downtown”. That’s my own translation…not an official title. 副都心線 (Fukutoshin Line) is just a name of a train line, not a normal everyday expression—so it’s hard to translate.

7 Responses to “Tokyo Sky Tree”

  1. tokyo5 June 15, 2008 at 12:45 am #


    Thanks for commenting!

    >I think the new tower will be beautiful, though I wonder what they’ll do when that one also is outdated and too short. There must be some limit on the possible heights!

    I’m sure there is a limit too.
    But I’m sure that 50 years ago when the Tokyo Tower was the world’s highest tower at 333 meters, noone could imagine one that would reach 634 meters!
    So…who knows what construction techniques of the future will allow.

    >Today is Aunt Linda’s 60th birthday (June 14).

    I know. I mailed her a card.
    (Happy Birthday, Linda (if you’re reading this)).

    >I enjoy reading about your family, Bob, and also enjoy all of the interesting pictures and information.



  2. Aunt Carol June 15, 2008 at 12:32 am #

    I think the new tower will be beautiful, though I wonder what they’ll do when that one also is outdated and too short. There must be some limit on the possible heights!
    Today is Aunt Linda’s 60th birthday (June 14).
    I enjoy reading about your family, Bob, and also enjoy all of the interesting pictures and information. Love to all.


  3. tokyo5 June 14, 2008 at 2:03 pm #


    Thanks for visiting my site and commenting often. Leave a comment anytime!

    I visit your site ( ) alot, as well. I don’t comment so often though, because I’m not much into running.

    But I do like San Francisco. Put some pictures of the city on your site (my recommendation)!

    Thanks again.


  4. sfrunner June 14, 2008 at 1:27 pm #

    What a beautiful design! It is neat about the cherry trees surrounding it.


  5. tokyo5 June 12, 2008 at 11:11 pm #


    >Wow, that’s a beautiful tower. I especially like how it’s flanked by cherry blossom trees

    Yes, I think so, too.
    I was kinda surprised by the location that they decided to build it.
    Unlike Tokyo Tower, the “Tokyo Sky Tree” will be built in a traditional area of Tokyo.


  6. Mb June 12, 2008 at 3:11 am #

    I meant to say:

    But then I’m not generally up ON those kinds of things, so I may not be hip to what’s really in.

    Just in case you were confused…


  7. Mb June 12, 2008 at 3:10 am #

    Wow, that’s a beautiful tower. I especially like how it’s flanked by cherry blossom trees on the water’s edge. I second your take on the name, however. ‘Sky Tree’? Oh well.

    I’m not sure about Sumo being popular here. I know that the Sumo concept is well-known in pop-culture, but I didn’t hear anything about the tournament in CA. But then I’m not generally up those kinds of things, so I may not be hip to what’s really in.


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