Shiritori Round Two

11 Aug

「しりとり」 (“Shiritori“) is a Japanese word game.

The rules are pretty simple.
To play, the first player would say any (Japanese) noun. It can be any word as long as it doesn’t end with the 「ん」 (“n“) character.
– The next person says any Japanese word that begins with the same character that the previous word ended with.
– And the next player does likewise.
– The game ends when a player loses by either saying a word that has already been used or saying a word that ends with the 「ん」 (“n“) character (because no word in the Japanese language begins with 「ん」).
– When a word end with a character with 濁点 (「゛」) or 半濁点 (「゜」), the next player can use the character with or without it (ie: If a player’s word ends with 「ば」 or 「ぱ」, the next player’s word can start with either that character or simply 「は」).

An example of how the game would go:
「タ」(“Tako“)→「アラ」(“Koala)→「イオ」(Laion (lion)) (The player who said 「ライオン」 (lion) would lose because you can’t choose a word that ends with 「ん」(「ン」).)

Actually, I had written a post a Japanese games, including this one, about a year ago (click here to see it).

In that earlier post, we played Shiritori in the comments section.
It was popular with visitors to my blog, and it was fun.

So, let’s try “round two”!

I’ll start with the first word…「たまご」(tamago (egg)).

Anyone can play. Write the next word (that must begin with 「ご」(“go”)) in the comments section of this post.
Usually this game is played only usuing Japanese words…but we’ll play using both Japanese and English.

Just remember, you can’t use a word that ends with 「ん」(“n”), and you can’t repeat a word that’s already been used.

33 Responses to “Shiritori Round Two”

  1. Iman August 27, 2010 at 6:45 am #

    hehehehe You’ve seen part of my dark side 😉

    I just found out that shitake (Japanese mushroom) was used twice!
    I have learnt two new words here 😀 rika and saba
    oshiete kurete arigatou gozaimashita.

    Kabuki (Japanese theatre with male actors only)

    I think there is one in Ginza, but I didn’t get to go there. The problem was I couldn’t resist shopping at Ginza!!


    • tokyo5 August 28, 2010 at 2:44 am #

      >I just found out that shitake (Japanese mushroom) was used twice!

      Actually, I just noticed that too.
      As I’m the one who repeated “Shitake“, I lost the game. 😦

      >I have learnt two new words here 😀 rika and saba
      oshiete kurete arigatou gozaimashita.

      That’s good. That’s what this game is good for…I also learned many Japanese words by playing this game over the years.

      >Kabuki (Japanese theatre with male actors only)

      OK. I lost the game…but let’s start another round.
      We’ll begin with your word “kabuki”.

      My word will be 「幾何学」 (“Kikagaku” (Geometry)).

      The next word must begin with 「く」 (“ku”)

      >(I think there is one in Ginza…)

      Yes, the 歌舞伎座 “Kabuki Theatre”) is in Ginza.


  2. Iman August 26, 2010 at 5:55 pm #

    I like miso soup, california temaki, chicken katsu kari, edamame, and salmon teryaki. Sometimes I crave sushi or soba, but not always.

    Harakiri (ritual suicide by cutting one’s belly)


    • tokyo5 August 27, 2010 at 2:22 am #


      Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever played Shiritori before and heard someone say “Yakuza” or “Harakiri”! 😉

      Please continue to play. You understand this game well. Have you played Shiritori before?

      OK. My turn:

      「理科」 (“Rika” (Science class))

      The next word must begin with 「か」 (“ka”).

      Anyone feel free to join the game!


  3. Iman August 26, 2010 at 6:33 am #

    Yeah I watch J-drama and anime. I have started watching code blue 2 recently. (Yamashita kun acts in this drama :D)

    Thanks for saying my Japanese is good. I have started learning Japanese 2 years ago before going to Tokyo. I use various methods to learn (e.g. watch drama, read children’s story books, listen to songs, write my diary in Japanese, chat with Japanese people online, eat Japanese food! (my favourite method 😉 )

    Can we use verbs and/or adjectives in shiritori? If we can use verbs, which form can we use? dictionary form?

    yakuza 😀


    • tokyo5 August 26, 2010 at 10:59 am #

      >eat Japanese food!

      What Japanese foods do you like best?

      Can we use verbs and/or adjectives in shiritori?

      It supposed to be nouns only.


      Wow. OK.

      My word will be 「サバ」 (“Saba” (Mackerel (fish))).

      The next word should begin with 「ば」 (“ba”), 「は」 (“ha”) or 「ぱ」 (“pa”)


  4. Iman August 26, 2010 at 1:23 am #

    ichigo no rakuda no miruku ichiban suki desu ^_^
    Not many people in the UAE listen to Japanese songs. I like NEWS, because I like Yamashita-kun 😀

    keiji (detective)


    • tokyo5 August 26, 2010 at 2:10 am #

      Do you watch Japanese movies as well?

      >keiji (detective)

      How did you learn Japanese?

      So, it’s my turn. A word beginning with 「じ」 (“ji”) (or 「し」 (“shi”) again)…

      My word is: 「神社」 (“Jinjya” (Shrine))

      We’ll say the next word can be a word beginning with 「じゃ」 (“ja”), 「しゃ」 (“sha”), or 「や」 (“ya”).


  5. Iman August 25, 2010 at 4:54 am #

    Yeah there are many camels in the UAE ^_^ and you can get flavored camel milk (ichigo toka, choco toka,….) from the Konbini. Zehi, Dobai ni kite kudasai.

    waaaa I like the word taiyou ^_^ coz I like NEWS no uta “taiyou no namida”

    ushi (cow)

    ushi doshi ni umaremashita (1985)


    • tokyo5 August 26, 2010 at 1:09 am #

      >you can get flavored camel milk (ichigo toka, choco toka,….) from the Konbini.

      Well, that’s very unique. Is it good? Which flavor do you recommend?

      >Zehi, Dobai ni kite kudasai.

      You speak Japanese well!
      I’d like to visit there. It would be an interesting experience, I’m sure.
      I very seldom travel outside of Japan at all. International travel is too expensive!

      >I like NEWS no uta “taiyou no namida”

      You like the J-pop song 「太陽の涙」 (“Tears of the Sun”) by the Japanese pop band NEWS?

      Is Japanese music popular in your country?

      >ushi doshi ni umaremashita (1985)

      Oh, you’re young!

      >ushi (cow)

      So now the next word must begin with 「し」 (“shi”).
      I’ll choose: 「シイタケ」 (“Shiitake Mushroom”)

      Now the next word must begin with 「け」 (“ke”).

      Anyone is welcome to play!


  6. Iman August 25, 2010 at 12:54 am #

    ra desu ne…. rakuda (camel)
    Arabujin desu kara rakuda ga suki desu :p

    tsugi wa da


    • tokyo5 August 25, 2010 at 1:03 am #

      >rakuda (camel)

      OK. Very good.

      >Arabujin desu kara rakuda ga suki desu :p

      Really? Are there many camels where you live?

      >tsugi wa da

      Yes, the next word must begin with 「だ」 (or 「た」).
      I’ll do it…

      「太陽」 (“Taiyou” (“The Sun”))

      The next word must begin with 「う」 (“u”).


  7. Iman August 24, 2010 at 8:53 pm #

    ringo (apple)


    • tokyo5 August 25, 2010 at 12:17 am #


      OK. My turn.

      りんご (ringo) → ゴリラ (gorilla)

      The next word must begin with 「ら」 (“ra” (or “la”)).


  8. Jeremy August 18, 2010 at 11:49 am #

    きもの (kimono)


    • tokyo5 August 18, 2010 at 11:21 pm #

      OK. Great.

      So I’ll do the next word:

      のり (nori (seaweed)).

      So the next word must begin with 「り」 (“ri” (pronounced “ree”) (or “li” (pronounced “lee”))).


  9. tokyo5 August 15, 2010 at 5:44 pm #

    OK. Very good.

    So far now we have:

    タマゴ → ゴジラ → ラク → クレ → 冷蔵庫 → こばやし → したけ → けいさつ → 「梅雨」 → ゆかた
    (Tamago → Gojira (Godzilla) → Raku (Ease) → Kure → Reizouko (Refrigerator) → Kobayashi → Shitake (Japanese mushrooms) → Keisatsu (police) → Tsuyu (rainy season) → Yukata (summer kimono))

    The next word must begin with 「た」 (ta).

    I’ll do it:

    「たいやき」 (“Taiyaki” (a Japanese snack))

    The next word should begin with 「き」 (“ki”).


  10. Natalie L. Sin August 15, 2010 at 8:19 am #



  11. bianka August 13, 2010 at 8:31 pm #



    • tokyo5 August 14, 2010 at 12:43 am #

      OK. Good.

      けいさつ (Keisatsu (police))

      So next word begins with 「つ」 (“tsu”). I’ll do it.

      「梅雨」 (“Tsuyu” (“Rainy season”))

      The next word must begin with 「ゆ」 (“Yu”).

      Anyone feel free to play.


  12. tokyo5 August 13, 2010 at 8:01 am #

    To review…

    this game is up to:

    タマゴ → ゴジラ → ラク → クレ → 冷蔵庫 → こばやし → したけ
    (Tamago → Gojira (Godzilla) → Raku (Ease) → Kure → Reizouko (Refrigerator) → Kobayashi → Shitake (Japanese mushrooms))

    The next word must begin with 「け」 (ke).

    Anyone can play…so feel free to add a noun (English or Japanese).


  13. Natalie L. Sin August 13, 2010 at 1:37 am #

    Kobayashi. I love that guy : )


    • tokyo5 August 13, 2010 at 1:45 am #


      Usually people or place names aren’t used in Shiritori. But OK I’ll accept it.

      >I love that guy

      Which 小林さん (Mr. Kobayashi) is that?

      Anyways, I’ll do the next word…

      ばや (KobayashiShitake (Japanese mushrooms))

      The next word must begin with 「け」 (ke). (Anyone can join in!)


      • Natalie L. Sin August 13, 2010 at 6:14 am #

        小林尊 (Takeru Kobayashi). Watching him eat is majestic. Sloppy and a little scary, but majestic!


      • tokyo5 August 13, 2010 at 7:53 am #

        Oh, the Japanese eating-contest champion.

        I mentioned him in a post last year.


  14. tokyo5 August 12, 2010 at 3:18 pm #

    Natalie L. Sin :

    I googled song lyrics until I found a word that started with “ku.”

    Song lyrics probably aren’t the best source.

    I was wondering what you meant by “kure”. I assumed it was meant as the casual form of “please”…either that or the town near Hiroshima.

    If you don’t know Japanese, you can use English in my version of this game.

    The next word must start with 「こ」 (“ko”).


  15. Natalie L. Sin August 12, 2010 at 1:12 pm #

    I saw Kishidan play this game, on a Japanese show. Whenever someone lost, they had to fight a sumo wrestler. Poor Hikaru didn’t have a chance.

    My word is Kure (クレ)


    • tokyo5 August 12, 2010 at 1:36 pm #

      >Kure (クレ)

      You mean as in “please”?

      OK. So it’s now
      タマゴ → ゴジラ → ラク → クレ
      (Tamago → Gojira (Godzilla) → Raku (Ease) → Kure)

      The next word must begin with 「れ」 (re).

      I’ll choose 「冷蔵庫」 (reizouko (refrigerator))…begins with “re” in both Japanese and English. 😉

      So, the next word must begin with 「こ」 (“ko”).


      • Natalie L. Sin August 12, 2010 at 2:21 pm #

        No clue, I can’t speak or read Japanese. I googled song lyrics until I found a word that started with “ku.” 😉


  16. Blue Shoe August 11, 2010 at 6:07 pm #



    • tokyo5 August 11, 2010 at 11:36 pm #


      タマ → ジラ → 
      (Tamago → Gojira (Godzilla) → Raku (Ease))

      Next word must begin with 「ク」 (ku).


  17. William August 11, 2010 at 3:50 pm #




    • tokyo5 August 11, 2010 at 11:35 pm #


      タマ → ジラ
      (Tamago → Gojira (Godzilla))

      Next word must begin with 「ら」 (ra).


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