
20 Jun

Here’s a story that I saw on the TV news and the newspaper recently about this turtle:

Someone painted 「カメデス」 ("I'm a turtle") on his back.

I added the original Japanese article here and below it is my translation of it to English.


「カメデス」と甲羅に落書きされた甲府市の舞鶴城公園のカメが16日、岸に上がっているところを捕獲された。落書きを消そうと、公園を管理する山 梨県が捕獲作戦を展開中だった。

仕事で外出していた山梨県警の男性警察官がカメを発見。近づくと手足を引っ込めたため、簡単に捕まえられたという。“逃走”を続けていたカメだ が、本職の警察官には手も足も出なかったようだ。

県は落書きされた文字を溶剤などで消すことも検討したが、カメはちょうど脱皮の時期。脱皮によって落書きが消える可能性もあるといい、結局、県の 施設で保護して様子を見守ることになった。

In English:

Journal:The “I’m A Turtle” turtle captured at Kofu Maizurujyou Park

A turtle that someone wrote “I’m A Turtle” on the shell was captured on June 16th at Maizurujyou Park in Kofu (Japan).

Government employees who manage the park had been trying unsuccessfully to capture the turtle to clean off the writing on it’s back.

A policeman was passing the park on his way to work and noticed the turtle. When he approached the turtle, it pulled it’s head and legs into it’s shell and the policeman was able to catch it easily.

The park employees were planning to remove the writing from the turtle’s back, but decided there was a risk of injuring the animal with the paint remover. So they decided to care for the turtle and hope the writing eventually wears off.

I wonder how someone could be mean to an animal. We have a pet turtle and I couldn’t imagine harming it (I have a photo of our turtle at the end of this post).

8 Responses to “カメデス”

  1. Kroten November 1, 2011 at 12:05 am #

    Hidoi 😦
    Poor turtle, it didn’t hurt her but still it made her shell looks bad.
    By the way…I think it’s a she not he.


    • tokyo5 November 1, 2011 at 11:55 pm #

      >it didn’t hurt her

      I hope not.

      >I think it’s a she not he.

      Can you tell?
      I know my turtle is a female…but that’s because the female of the species of turtle I have is green and the male is black (my turtle is green), and also, my turtle laid (unfertilized) eggs last summer.


  2. Sir Pent June 22, 2010 at 8:23 pm #

    1) I am against all graffiti.

    2) As far as graffiti goes, I guess it’s kind of creative.


    • tokyo5 June 22, 2010 at 8:37 pm #

      I don’t like graffiti either, usually.
      But there’s a long wall in Yokohama that the government set aside to let people put elaborate graffiti on. It’s pretty quality.

      I have some photos of it on an earlier post.
      Look here:



  3. Troo June 22, 2010 at 2:10 am #

    I’m not sure that writing on a turtle’s shell would harm it. After all, the top shell has no nerve endings, and owners with outdoor tortoises will often drill a hole through the shell and tie a bit of string through the hole to stop their tortoise accidentally straying from the lawn – tortoise and turtle shells are fundamentally the same thing.

    I’m with you on just not understanding how people could intentionally harm an animal though.


    • tokyo5 June 22, 2010 at 7:06 pm #

      I know the painting doesn’t hurt the animal…but it’s not very nice.

      And I guess you’re right…drilling a hole through the edge of a turtle’s shell wouldn’t hurt it either.
      But I couldn’t do that to my turtle. Seems risky.
      Our turtle is outdoors…in a fenced-in area.


      • Troo June 23, 2010 at 5:11 am #

        I think if I were ever to bother with a tortoise I’d build him a little ring-fenced area rather than drill his shell.

        Turtles need water, and I’m too lazy to clean tanks out, so wouldn’t have one 🙂


      • tokyo5 June 23, 2010 at 11:17 pm #

        We have a turtle, not a tortoise. He needs a pool.
        But it’s not so much work to keep clean.


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